Thursday, June 9, 2011

Out Live Your Life -- Max Lucado

So as I stated in my previous blog. I made the goal to read at least five books this summer.


 Because in the last meeting I had with the BSF leaders, our teacher challenged us to read as much as possible, to stay in The Word and learn as much as we could.

Sooooo.... that brings me to my first book :)


"Out live your life" by Max Lucado.... 

This is actually a book I am reading for a summer bible study that I am doing with the Church Eric and I are looking to join. I have to say that it is an awesome read. very humbling and very very convicting.

So... what is it about you ask??? LET ME TELL YOU!!!!!!!     : ) : )

Basically... it is a call to action... to get your booty out there and do something with yourself.  Get your mind off of you and all of the material things you have and Do the work that God has called you to do.   (my words, not his) 

The back of the book reads: 

These are devastating times: 1.75 billion people are desperately poor; one billion are hungry. Lonely hearts indwell our neighborhood and attend our schools. In the midst of it all, here we stand: you, me and our one-of-a-kind lives. We are given a choice... an opportunity to make a big difference during a difficult time. What if we did? What if we rocked the world with hope? Worth a try don't you think?

The book  talks  about the charter members of the Jerusalem church. It tells of the ordinary people that do amazing things for the Kingdom of God. Starting in the first chapter and continuing on through the rest of the book, Max  uses scripture to show examples of everything he is going to challenge us to do. 

He also fills us in on all the statistics of poverty, hunger, disease, even slavery and sex trade issues. He calls your attention to the problems and even quotes scripture to prove to you that it is our job as Christians to help. 

Throughout the book  he gives examples of people answering their call and doing God's work, Showing the Love of God to those who need it. One of the many things I loved about this book is that he does not shove one particular thing down your throat. There is no " Do this or your going to Hell"  type thing... He is very clear that you should only do what you are called to do.

 Yes.. that's right.. I didn't say what you are COMFORTABLE doing.. but what you are CALLED to do. Sometimes those are the same things, but more often than not ( at least in my experience) they are waaaaay different. 

The third chapter of the book talks about letting God "unshell" you. Letting him make you aware of what is going on around you. A lot of times we don't want to see what is going on and choose to look the other way. 
My favorite part of this chapter reads: 

        With whom do you feel most fluent? Teenagers? Drug addicts? The elderly? You may be tongue 
        tied around children but eloquent with executives. This is how God designed you. " God has given
        us different gifts for doing certain things well"  (Romans 12:6 NLT)

It goes on to say that God doesn't burden us equally. He pulls each of us to a certain thing. That was really big for me. I was like whoah! It's OK  that I'm not comfortable around a group of high school seniors... It's OK if I'm not myself right away in a group of women. God has fashioned me exactly how he wants me... I believe my gift is with Children. I've mentioned before that I can be goofy, silly, fun, happy.... really just completely comfortable in front of my kiddo's at school ( my little ones at least ) ... but put me in a group of people my own age and I'll shut down and  if I'm lucky I'll  get out three words. 

But you know what... that's okay!! I'm working on getting myself to trust easier and talk more in front of strangers.. but the point is.. I don't need to feel bad for the way I am. I am a child of God and he created me the way I am.  I am trying to change because I want to. Not because I feel I have to. 

In chapter eleven .. Max speaks about not doing something just so everyone can see it. It tells the story of a couple in the bible that decide to donate land to the Church so that everyone will know they are doing it... It's kind of like writing the tithe check and purposefully holding it so others can see how much you are putting in the offering plate. 

We don't need to help others for what we get out of it... we don't need to publicize it. We should do it because we care and because it is the right thing to do. We need to be humble. 

This section says: 

         The greatest example of this humility is none other than Jesus Christ.Who had more reason to boast than he? Yet he never did.  He walked on water but never strutted on the beach. He turned a basket into a buffet but never demanded applause.

I  have to admit that the idea of Jesus strutting on the beach made me laugh out loud.. but you get the point. a few sentences later he says.. Jesus didn't do these things so How dare we?

That is so incredibly right. How dare we? 
How dare we turn this into something about us?

get my point? That taught me a lot that little section... like I said earlier very convicting... but trust me it gets worse...

Chapter twelve talks about blasting walls down. We have these Pre-conceived notions about people.. about people of a lower class.. people of a different race... maybe even people that work at a certain place.. or live on the "wrong side of the street" 

It talks about letting go of it all. Forget your previous thoughts and give everyone a chance. We don't know what they are going through.. we don't know what they have been through in the past. It is not our job to judge them or call them inferior.

At the end of every chapter he writes a verse of scripture and accompanies it with a prayer. This prayer, as my BSF leader would say, made me have to put my big girl panties on... God was talking to ME in that chapter.

        Lord, in how many ways does my foolish heart make false distinctions among your people?
        Reveal them to me. How often do i judge someone as unworthy of you by the way I treat 
        him or her? Rebuke me in your love. Where can I blast a wall or remove a barrier that keeps your children apart
        from one another? Give me some dynamite and the skill and courage to use it for your glory. What
        can I do in my sphere of influence to bring the love of Christ to someone who may feel ostracized or 
        estranged from you? Lend me divine insight and bless me with the resolve to be your hands and feet. 
        May I be a bridge and not a wall. In Jesus' name I pray, amen. 

phew... just typing it makes me feel about the size of a lady bug. 

a couple chapters later he talks about not writing anyone off and staying off of your "high horse" and then comes another one of those convicting prayers.....

      Father, you have used all types of people for your holy purposes: prostitutes, murderers, persecutors, liars, thieves, swindlers,the illiterate, the ignorant, the blind, and the lame. Grant me the grace to treat everyone I meet  as someone for whom Jesus died and rose again. Let there be no unwholesome or unholy  distinctions in my eyes and no unworthy favoritism in my actions. Rather, make me  into a vessel through whom Jesus Shines. In Christ's name I pray, amen.

Well.. If I felt the size of a ladybug before I guess I'm down to the size of a flea now.. 

The last short paragraph of the last chapter says: 
      None of us can help everyone. But all of us can help someone.  And when we help them, we serve Jesus.

That last part pretty much sums the whole book up. We can all do SOMETHING. Don't have extra money, who cares ... volunteer somewhere.. just do something ... 

I have to say that I truly enjoyed this book and learned a lot from its teaching. 

After the 16th chapter there is a Discussion and Action Guide. It is GREAT!! It gives you practical ways to put what you just read into motion.

For me, this book showed me that I have been so selfish in my life. So many times I just think about me. No.. I  don't want to go do that I'm tired... No.. i don't want to volunteer for that, what if they want me to do it again...

I look at how materialistic the world is and I realize.. Jennifer.. you are right there with them. You have Five perfectly good purses in your closet and you are salivating over the new perfect pink Fossil you saw in the store the other day... $80 bucks on a purse... Do you realize that through organizations like you could do a micro-loan for less than that and provide a farmer in Peru with materials to start their own business. AND YOU GET THE MONEY BACK ONCE THEY EARN IT!! It's like Hello!!!! I want to slap myself in the face and say DUH!!!

I am so blessed and It's time that I start doing MY part to help. I really don't know exactly what I want to do yet, but I think Eric and I are going to start by sponsoring a child through or I'm not sure which we will use yet, we have to do a little more research into them. But for $35 dollars a month... Less than the price of a fancy meal... we can significantly change the life of a child somewhere in the world. $35 dollars??? I can do that.. I can cook at home instead of going out... 

I think the biggest thing I learned from this is Anyone can do the work of God.. not just "Special" people.. 
We are all called to do something more with our life...  Life is so not just  about us.. 


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